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Introduce Tool Tips for Blackout Module


it would be great if you could also have a tool tip for the blackout module.

It would be very useful to leave a hint on how a value is supposed to be provided e.g.

Host Name (Regular Expression, lowercase, without Domain suffix!)


3 people like this idea

Hi Markus,

Very good idea. 

Something like:

1) Configuration


2) User display


Does this meet your need?

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'On line help' for each information seems a good idea too

Do you know you can restrict selection to users/users group, such as:


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Tooltips will be there.

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Hi Stephane,


your mock-up pretty much reflects exactly what I am looking for! Since it is hard to provide a syntax checking for a regular expression, I at least need a tool tip to remind the users what kind of data they are supposed to add here.


Additionally maybe it would also be possible to add a symbol next to the text box that indicates some additional background information. When you click on the symbol, people would get a more detailed instruction as a pop-up.

Here is an example ...


... and this is how the pop-up might look like ...



Could this be an add-on to the regular expressions? Like either you choose from a suggested list (like you showed in your example) or you manually provide an expression instead?


Will it make it into 3.3?


This is really good news ... it will help us a lot! I am really looking forward to 3.3.

ProactivePack has become a quite common answer to many questions.

Hi Thomas,

To go deeper, does following solution matchs your expectations

If a html file is available, then the question mark can be clicked to show the help content.

Files are located in data/<ModuleName>/Help/ and must be named as follow:

1. <slotname>.html for every language

2. <slotname>-2 digit lang code>.html for a specific language


If file <ProactivePack Installation path>/data/BlackoutMgt/Help/mc_host.html exists then when user click on question mark content will be displayed such as:



In order to get such a result, file content should be:

<h2> Help on hostname choice</h2>


<p> You need to declare host you under maintenance using hostname or regular expression</p>

<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">

 <p> Example: hostname must be defined as in event management. Short name only. Do not use FQDN.</p>


<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">

 <p> Example: hostname must be defined as in event management. Short name only. Do not use FQDN.</p>


<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">

 <p> Example: hostname must be defined as in event management. Short name only. Do not use FQDN.</p>


<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">

 <p> Example: hostname must be defined as in event management. Short name only. Do not use FQDN.</p>


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